FET Audio | Hi-End Audio & Electronics DIY Electronics & Repair

October 14, 2005

Tannoy Turnberry SE

Filed under: Speaker — Spencer @ 9:13 pm

This is the biggest speaker I ever own so far.  Due to its size and small room in Hong Kong, I have to gave it up after 3 years use in 2006.  I use 300B to drive it but with its 90dbslp sensitivity, it is still unable to drive it to satisfactory sound level and quality.  Later I build a Aleph 60 and it sound much better but the booming is still there due to small room effect.  So I have to gave it up and sold it for 10k HKD!

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October 10, 2005

Dynaudio Contour 1.8 MKII

Filed under: Speaker — Spencer @ 9:45 pm

This is a very nice speaker I brought in 1995.  I sod it out in 2005 and I am a bit regret to sell it!

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October 14, 2000

Celestion SL6

Filed under: Speaker — Spencer @ 8:58 pm

Back in over 20 years, I own a pair of Celestion SL6 speaker.  It was a very difficult load speaker and not many power amplifier can drive it well.  I have Quad 405 at that time but this speaker is still hungry for power!  In the last few years, I use this speaker as my test speaker when I build my amplifiers.  This is the only picture that I have left for this speaker.

Even my pair of Celestion SL6 is gone, my brother still keep a pair of SL6si.

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