This is using PMD100 to replace SM5842 in D1Vx DAC. The PMD100 can decode HDCD signal from CDs.
The input mode is right justified 16 bit and output is 20bit mode for PCM63. All settings are hardwired and cannot be changed by jumpers!
This is using PMD100 to replace SM5842 in D1Vx DAC. The PMD100 can decode HDCD signal from CDs.
The input mode is right justified 16 bit and output is 20bit mode for PCM63. All settings are hardwired and cannot be changed by jumpers!
This converter board is to replace CS8412 in my DAC project D1. This is designed to be used in the D1V2, D1V3 and D1V33 versions. There are other DIYer who is interested to use this to replace the CS8412 in their DAC. I have tested that it can be used to drive SM5842, SM5847, PMD100 and TDA1541 etc… Take note that even through it is working fine but the output logic for DIR9001 is only 3.3V while all the old ICs are at 5V logic. ACT logic should be used if 3.3V logic is needed to buffer up to 5V.
Another important note is the EMPH (pin 3) output in DIR9001 Converter BD is High when the data has pre-emphasis data added. In a CS8412 or CS8414 chip, the pin 3 is LOW when the data has pre-emphasis data added.
The major improvement in DIR9001 is the lower jitter of 50ps (200ps for CS8412/14). The improvement is very obvious in sonic performance of any DAC.
Sorry all sold out!
DIR9001 converter board Manual
9001 to 8412 V3 Circuit Diagram
* * Sold OUT in 2009 and no more selling * *
This Jfet IV board was released in 2007. The purpose of it is to modify a DAC or CD player IV converter. It can be used for most current output DAC chips like PCM63, TDA1541, AD1862, PCM1702, PCM1704 etc… NOS DAC is not recommend to use this Jfet IV due to excessive high frequency noises.
During the time of release, 2SK170 is used as the active device for IV. It is now recommended to use 2SK369BL as the active device due to its higher gain around 40mS for better result.
Update on Dec 31, 2009: Add photo on D1V33 jumpers setting with 24 bit input upgrade.
The converter board use SM5847 to replace obsoleted SM5842 digital filter. It can be used in any version of D1Vx pcb. Photo is on a D1V2 pcb.
This is D1V2: Changes from D1V1 is listed below.
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