FET Audio | Hi-End Audio & Electronics DIY Electronics & Repair

March 2, 2025

Boston Acoustics RV600 repair

Filed under: Speaker — Spencer @ 11:33 pm

This is a 22 yrs old subwoofer and got it for 20 usd.  Symptom is no power up.

Main issues are:

Capacitors on power all dried up except the signal path BP capacitors.  Action: changed

Transformer plastic crack and brittle.  Action: Put hot melt

Socket on amp board plastic crack and damage: remove socket and solder the wire direct on board, other side has socket and thus good enough.

A bit oscillation at the first J111 Q6 due to the volume wire is too long for the op-amp feedback path.  Add 250pF cap to ground at J111 Drain pin.

The speaker is re-cone but it still works.  Thus no need change or repair.

Since it only have one channel input for filter and I make it into left and right.  Add one more RCA for the LFE channel for AV amp output.  Disable the speaker input as it is not necessary or way to risky for the connection.


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