I acquired this set (total 3 sets and other 2 sold) from Singapore Cinema of 80 people as it need to upgrade the system and move to a bigger place. Changes as below:
- Add heatsink on those hot chips as seen in the photos. Reduce temperature and increase life time!
- Changed all power supply capacitors to Good brand like Nichicon and 105C long life type at the output sections. This supply is a standard stocked unit but use normal grade capacitors and become swelled after prolong use.
- I changed from two analogy IN and two analog Out card to 1 Digital IN, 1 Analogy IN, 1 Digital OUT & 1 analogy Out cards.
- Design a digital crossover for subwoofer below 100Hz and let the 100 to 20K Hz channel handle by FDA-1B and power amp. Subwoofer channel go to another Yamaha DA2X DAC and power amplifier DSi4000 to drive JBL 4642A (also acquired together with the BSS unit in special sales).
- My system is driven either by Raspberry PI + HIFI berry digital Pro or CD pro drive.
- Software is both Foobar or Volumio with Harman Motion Control Apps in PC, iPhone or iPad. All songs is kept in NAS Synology DS212J old unit. Volumio is more easy to use than Foobar but each has its good and bad! Of course the Rasberry Pi also allow Apply play from any device in the same network!
- The Raspberry Pi case cover cannot fit with the HiFiberry board and thus I need to drill, file and odd shape hole to make it fit so that it can protect the inside part to further corrosion by the Humid weather.