FET Audio | Hi-End Audio & Electronics DIY Electronics & Repair

December 12, 2015

National Instruments PXIe-1062Q, PXIe-8105 & PXI-4130

Filed under: Test Equipment — Spencer @ 10:39 am

These were newly acquired in Nov 2015 from eBay.


PXIe-1062Q: for both PXI and PXIe cards with power supply.

PXIe-8105: controller for the system with upgrade to IDE 120 GB SSD from Kingspec (China) and 4 GB (2 x 2GB) DDR2 RAM.  Actually I found all on hand DDR2 ram with higher speed with work on this controller.  BIOS has also been updated to the latest version 1.3.3.  Speed wise is ok fast now with SSD and 4GB ram under window 7 32bit.



PXI-4130: SMU with two output: +/-20V max 2A and 9V 1A.  This supply can be programmed to check transistors or FETs under Labview.

The total cost is about USD$1500 but if getting a SMU with dual output will be much more expensive!

I shall learn and try to develop a program to sort the mosfet 2SK1530 / 2SJ201 soon.  Sorting of the Toshiba 2SK170 / J74 is also very good as the speed is supper fast and reading is stable with no oscillation concern.

USB GPIB adaptor 82357B from Agilent has big issue to link up with other equipment on the NI controller even I follow the steps as what is advised by Aglient website.  Finally I get the original NI GPIB cable Type X13 183285-02 and every things works perfectly.  No wonder the price of second hand USB-GPIB cable from Agilent is half of that from NI!

Changing the 3V back up battery in the PXIe-8105 controller must need reset the reset jumper pins or else the controller cannot boot up at all.


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