FET Audio | Hi-End Audio & Electronics DIY Electronics & Repair

January 4, 2011

Subminiature Tubes (6111, 6021) on 9-Pin socket (6DJ8, ECC88, 6922 etc)

Filed under: Tube — Spencer @ 9:14 pm

Since I have solder the subminiture tube on the SE mu-stage preamp, it do not allow easy swapping of tubes and thus lack lots of fun.  Thus I have found some 9-pin extention sockets and find a way to put a submini tube onto it.   I solder the leads of submini tube onto a pin head with 1mm diameter size.  The pin head can be inserted into the 9-pin socket.  Thus now I can swap tubes easily again!


In picture, the tube is 6021 to replace the 6DJ8 tube on my SE mu-stage preamp.  I put the two triodes in parallel and thus there will be only 5 connections from submini tube onto socket.


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